The importance of naming your business is a given; you don’t want competitor using a business name similar to yours to trade on your good name. But what about the identifying marks, logos, graphics and intellectual property?
A recent Business Insider article discusses Apple’s trademark infringement lawsuit against Samsung. It seems that Samsung’s Android phone uses icons eerily similar to Apple’s iPhone. Take a look at the icons and see if you agree with the author that Apple has a case against Samsung.
In many industries, competition is fierce. Protecting your business and intellectual property is of utmost importance. When you start a business, it is absolutely essential to do thorough trademark research.
It is just as important to protect those identifying icons and logos as the name of your business. They are what help customers and potential customers identify your business. They’re all part of the branding and they make your company unique. Make sure you protect those as vehemently as Apple does.
There are many issues you should look into before starting any business. We make it our mission to make it as easy as possible. If you need information on protecting a trademark, we’re here to help!