Incorporate in West Virginia
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Quick Notes on Incorporating in West Virginia
Processing time | State fees | Our fee | |
20 business days
on average
C-Corp or S-Corp
Standard Package
Premier Package
Venture Package
West Virginia has an average incorporation processing time of 20 business days.
The state of West Virginia requires a fee of $100 to form a C-Corp or S-Corp, and a fee of $100 to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company).
These West Virginia state fees are in addition to our incorporation fee, which is $174 for our Standard Package, $297 for our Premier Package, or $699 for our Venture Package.
West Virginia maintenance requirements for C-Corps and S-Corps
All West Virginia businesses are required to file a Business Registration Certificate every two years. The filing fee for the Certificate is $30. Also, West Virginia requires every company to file an annual report between January 1 and April 1 of each year following the calendar year in which you begin business in WV and pay a $25.00 attorney-in-fact fee. Failure to file may result in administrative dissolution.
Forms are mailed, but the company is responsible for filing even if forms are not received.
West Virginia maintenance requirements for LLCs
All West Virginia businesses are required to file a Business Registration Certificate every two years. The filing fee for the Certificate is $30. Also, West Virginia requires every limited liability company to file an annual report between January 1 and April 1 of each year following the calendar year in which you begin business in WV and pay a $25.00 attorney-in-fact fee. Failure to file may result in administrative dissolution.
Forms are mailed, but the company is responsible for filing even if forms are not received.
The state of West Virginia requires a fee of $100 to form a C-Corp or S-Corp, and a fee of $100 to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company).
These West Virginia state fees are in addition to our incorporation fee, which is $174 for our Standard Package, $297 for our Premier Package, or $699 for our Venture Package.
West Virginia maintenance requirements for C-Corps and S-Corps
All West Virginia businesses are required to file a Business Registration Certificate every two years. The filing fee for the Certificate is $30. Also, West Virginia requires every company to file an annual report between January 1 and April 1 of each year following the calendar year in which you begin business in WV and pay a $25.00 attorney-in-fact fee. Failure to file may result in administrative dissolution.
Forms are mailed, but the company is responsible for filing even if forms are not received.
West Virginia maintenance requirements for LLCs
All West Virginia businesses are required to file a Business Registration Certificate every two years. The filing fee for the Certificate is $30. Also, West Virginia requires every limited liability company to file an annual report between January 1 and April 1 of each year following the calendar year in which you begin business in WV and pay a $25.00 attorney-in-fact fee. Failure to file may result in administrative dissolution.
Forms are mailed, but the company is responsible for filing even if forms are not received.