Incorporate in Rhode Island
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Quick Notes on Incorporating in Rhode Island
Processing time | State fees | Our fee | |
10 business days
on average
C-Corp or S-Corp
Standard Package
Premier Package
Venture Package
Rhode Island has an average incorporation processing time of 10 business days.
The state of Rhode Island requires a fee of $238 to form a C-Corp or S-Corp, and a fee of $156 to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company).
These Rhode Island state fees are in addition to our incorporation fee, which is $174 for our Standard Package, $297 for our Premier Package, or $699 for our Venture Package.
Rhode Island maintenance requirements for C-Corps and S-Corps
Annual reports for Rhode Island companies must be filed with the Secretary of State between September 1st and November 1st. The first annual report of a company must be filed between September 1st and November 1st of the next year succeeding the calendar year in which the certificate of incorporation or organization was issued. The filing fee for the report is $50.
Rhode Island maintenance requirements for LLCs
Annual reports for Rhode Island companies must be filed with the Secretary of State between September 1st and November 1st. The first annual report of a company must be filed between September 1st and November 1st of the next year succeeding the calendar year in which the certificate of incorporation or organization was issued. The filing fee for the report is $50. In addition to this fee, all LLCs in Rhode Island must pay the Department of Taxation $500.
The state of Rhode Island requires a fee of $238 to form a C-Corp or S-Corp, and a fee of $156 to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company).
These Rhode Island state fees are in addition to our incorporation fee, which is $174 for our Standard Package, $297 for our Premier Package, or $699 for our Venture Package.
Rhode Island maintenance requirements for C-Corps and S-Corps
Annual reports for Rhode Island companies must be filed with the Secretary of State between September 1st and November 1st. The first annual report of a company must be filed between September 1st and November 1st of the next year succeeding the calendar year in which the certificate of incorporation or organization was issued. The filing fee for the report is $50.
Rhode Island maintenance requirements for LLCs
Annual reports for Rhode Island companies must be filed with the Secretary of State between September 1st and November 1st. The first annual report of a company must be filed between September 1st and November 1st of the next year succeeding the calendar year in which the certificate of incorporation or organization was issued. The filing fee for the report is $50. In addition to this fee, all LLCs in Rhode Island must pay the Department of Taxation $500.