Incorporate in New Hampshire
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Quick Notes on Incorporating in New Hampshire
Processing time | State fees | Our fee | |
10 business days
on average
C-Corp or S-Corp
Standard Package
Premier Package
Venture Package
New Hampshire has an average incorporation processing time of 10 business days.
The state of New Hampshire requires a fee of $102 to form a C-Corp or S-Corp, and a fee of $102 to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company).
These New Hampshire state fees are in addition to our incorporation fee, which is $174 for our Standard Package, $297 for our Premier Package, or $699 for our Venture Package.
New Hampshire maintenance requirements for C-Corps and S-Corps
New Hampshire businesses must file an Annual Report with Secretary of State by April 1st.
The filing fee for the Annual Report is $100.
New Hampshire maintenance requirements for LLCs
New Hampshire businesses must file an Annual Report with Secretary of State by April 1st.
The filing fee for the Annual Report is $100.
The state of New Hampshire requires a fee of $102 to form a C-Corp or S-Corp, and a fee of $102 to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company).
These New Hampshire state fees are in addition to our incorporation fee, which is $174 for our Standard Package, $297 for our Premier Package, or $699 for our Venture Package.
New Hampshire maintenance requirements for C-Corps and S-Corps
New Hampshire businesses must file an Annual Report with Secretary of State by April 1st.
The filing fee for the Annual Report is $100.
New Hampshire maintenance requirements for LLCs
New Hampshire businesses must file an Annual Report with Secretary of State by April 1st.
The filing fee for the Annual Report is $100.