Incorporate in Connecticut
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Quick Notes on Incorporating in Connecticut
Processing time | State fees | Our fee | |
10 business days
on average
2 days with Same Day Filing
with $50 expedite fee
C-Corp or S-Corp
Standard Package
Premier Package
Venture Package
Connecticut has an average incorporation processing time of 10 business days, which can be expedited to 2 days with Same Day Filing for an additional state fee of $50.
The state of Connecticut requires a fee of $290 to form a C-Corp or S-Corp, and a fee of $170 to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company).
These Connecticut state fees are in addition to our incorporation fee, which is $174 for our Standard Package, $297 for our Premier Package, or $699 for our Venture Package.
Connecticut maintenance requirements for C-Corps and S-Corps
In Connecticut, corporations must pay a fee of $150 with each annual report. New corporations must file their first report within 30 days after an organizational meeting. A partially completed form is included with the final package.
Connecticut maintenance requirements for LLCs
In Connecticut, LLCs must pay a fee of $20 with each annual report. New LLCs must file their first report within 30 days after an organizational meeting. You will need to draft an annual report according to the instructions found at:,_llp,_lp.pdf
The state of Connecticut requires a fee of $290 to form a C-Corp or S-Corp, and a fee of $170 to form an LLC (Limited Liability Company).
These Connecticut state fees are in addition to our incorporation fee, which is $174 for our Standard Package, $297 for our Premier Package, or $699 for our Venture Package.
Connecticut maintenance requirements for C-Corps and S-Corps
In Connecticut, corporations must pay a fee of $150 with each annual report. New corporations must file their first report within 30 days after an organizational meeting. A partially completed form is included with the final package.
Connecticut maintenance requirements for LLCs
In Connecticut, LLCs must pay a fee of $20 with each annual report. New LLCs must file their first report within 30 days after an organizational meeting. You will need to draft an annual report according to the instructions found at:,_llp,_lp.pdf